
Today we are going to look at 3 bass fishing lures that can take your bass fishing to new levels.

But you need to follow the techniques and rigging were going to look at to get the most out of these tips. "As its not always the can be how you fish it."

Let face it there are always some new bass fishing luresappearing on the market each year,and what we find is they do not come with the benefits of being tried and tested, but they are worth looking into and putting them into the water to see what kind of reaction these cause. These are just a few of the newest bass fishing lures that have come onto the market.

First, there is the Culprit Ultimate Series Minnow. It usually comes in a pack of four and is about four and a half inches long. The Culprit Ultimate Series minnow has a hollow body that causes the body of the lure to actually collapse when the fish bites down on it. The realistic appearance is enhanced by a bleeding gill look.

If you set it by placing the hook into the lure's head, angled out through the bottom. Pull the hook through the lure

and up in the direction of the bait.Then, just line the hook up and stick it through the body into the top of the bait. If you need weedless presentation, you should just stick the hook point back into the plastic, and this will make the lure have a realistic wobbly swimming motion in the water to make it look very realistic.

Secondly, there is a slinky worm. It comes in a pack of fifteen and is about six inches long. This lure has a long, slim body with a tentacle adorned c-tail. This lure works very well in just about any condition. All you have to do to make it great for heavily vegetated areas is to weight it.If you need to fish the bottom, just use a heavier weight. It will then float tentacled tail up, and the motion of the water will make it wiggle enough to attract the attention of any passersby.Slinky worms are good with a drop shot rig too. The long body helps to keep the tentacled tail away from the line and hook.

If you need a weightless lure, consider a 2/0 hook and Carolina rig the slinky,for really good results. You will really like this lure on a sandy bottom. The slinky worm comes in a wide range of colors for every water condition.

Next is the Tail Kicker. This lure comes in a package of fifteen and is about six inches long. The body of the Tail kicker

is long and ribbed, but there is a short flip tailed kicker at the end. The ribbing on the body causes a subtle pulse action on the end of the lure.The Tail kicker will work well in a variety of conditions, but because of its design, works best when using a quick retrieve over holes that have floating vegetation like lillie pads and other top water cover.

If you are fishing under docks and other structure. Just flip underneath, let the lure sink, retrieve it, and then let it

drop down again and repeat the procedure. Another good use for the tail kicker is when the bass are a little lethargic and slow reacting. Just dead stick it on the bottom, and use it to cast in open pockets in heavy vegetation.

Next, is the Foxy Craw by Culprit. It comes in a nine count package and is about four inches long. This new soft bait has an exceptionally sleek design that facilitates easy presentation for flipping into heavy cover like thick hydrilland exceptionally heavy mats.The exceptionally realistic, vigorous vibration of the legs, split tail, and craws in the water act as an enticement to cause the fish to bite. When movement stops, the tail and legs tend to float up and down making the Foxy Craw appear very lifelike.

Try Texas rigging this lure and you can cast right into the lily pads and sparse grasses. It can also be flipped with a

heavy weight into heavier cover or Carolina rigged through hydrilla.Should you try any of these new fishing lures. , be sure to take the time to give them a review. Many of the newest models are fantastic options, but there are some great old, tried and true models as well.The bet course of action is to choose a bass fishing lure that you feel comfortable using.

Or, test out something new. It can never hurt to try something new especially when you get fabulous results when bass fishing.

Fishing Quotes

Three-fourths of the Earth's surface is water, and one-fourth is land. It is quite clear that the good Lord intended us to spend triple the amount of time fishing as taking care of the lawn.

bass fishing: Google Noticias